To identify people with autism, aggregate information, and provide better services to them, the...
The Iran Autism Association (IAA) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 2014 by specialists, experts, stakeholders, people with autism, and their families. Our mission is to improve the quality of life and empower people with autism. We recognize that people with autism experience the world differently than others, and we seek to provide services such as training, rehabilitation, counseling, and support to develop their behavioral skills and pave the way for their independence in society.
Following up all political, social, cultural and economic rights of autistic community.
Holding training courses and behavioral rehabilitation based activities
Provide general and specialized counseling services to individuals and families with autistic children.
Introduce autism to society and inform people about how to behave with autistic persons.
In 2019, the IAA achieved the consultative status in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). Given the humanitarian nature of activities, the association has always tried to tap the Human Rights Council as an opportunity to express the problems faced by the Iranian autism community and expand international communications.
In this field, the IAA pursues actions such as the submission of written statements, reading of verbal statements in the Human Rights Council assembly, holding secondary panels in cooperation with other popular organization, and meeting specialized reporters and people working in the health sector.
The majority of individuals with autism in Iran lack access to rehabilitation services, particularly those
residing in deprived areas. In 2022, the Iran Autism Association initiated a telephone rehabilitation
project in collaboration with the World Health Organizations Iran-based office. The aim of this project
is to provide individuals with autism in Iran with appropriate rehabilitation and training services.
To identify people with autism, aggregate information, and provide better services to them, the...
No.8, Mojahed Kabir Street, East Laleh Boulevard, South Sattari Highway, Tehran, Iran.